
	* Major changes in weblookerd (2012-08-06)
	  Released by Christian Eppler, based on SVN version
		** Bugfixes for communication with android client 
		** First Android client  


	* Major changes in weblookerui 0.2.1 (2012-03-04)
	  Released by Christian Eppler, based on SVN version 0.2.1  
		** Implementation of a user management system. 
		** Many of Bug fixes.
		** Strictly apportioned into modules.
		** Added translations of the webui.
			Many thanks to Giuliano Simone and Lidia Gerlach  at this point.  
		** User specific monitoring page (weblooker/onlyFrontview.php?user=foo)
		** W3C conform: HTML5,CSS3


	* Major changes in weblookerd 0.2.0 (2011-05-30)
	  Released by Christian Eppler, based on SVN version 0.2.0  
		** Separation of server, client and webui.
		** Doesn't require an open MySQL port anymore.
		** All connections are encrypted and secured with session tokens.
		** Session limits for DoS-protection.
		** Pidfile handling prevents multiple instances.
		** Syslog with configurable verbosity levels.
		** Real daemon with init-control and privilege control.
		** Multiple connection handling through forking.
		** Command-line arguments for easier troubleshooting and debugging.
		** Well documented configuration-file.
		** Manpage and detailed README.
		** Easier compilation through Automake.
		** Prebuilt RPM and DEB Packages for Red Hat, Debian and SUSE based systems.
		** Improved performance and stability (extended use of low level libraries).
		** Fixed a bunch of bugs and typos.
		** LSB/FHS/GNU compliance.


	Version: 0.1.8 -> 0.1.9
		-Add Pidfile control
		-Add syslog loging


	Version: 0.1.7 -> 0.1.8 (New Developer in the project -> tobiassutor .)
		-create weblooker.conf.
		-Implement readconf function for read of weblooker.conf.
		-Change name from Release_changes.txt to ChangeLog.
		-Small changes of the CSS.
		-Fixed bug which introduces to termination of services weblooker.
		-Fixed bug on webinterface


	Version: 0.1.6 -> 0.1.7
		-Changed design details for better usability.
		-Change textbox from formatted to own html formatted.
		-Add slogan


	Version: 0.1.5 -> 0.1.6
		-Error in calculating percentages of on-time on main page. 	(fixed)


	Version: 0.1.4 -> 0.1.5
		-Better positioning of the text box.


	Version: 0.1.3 -> 0.1.4
		-Changes DOCTYPE to html5.
		-Add of HTML5 form tags.
		-slightly better user input  error control.
		-changing banner.
		-add textbox.


	Version: 0.1.2 -> 0.1.3
		-False failure time and text at Web Interface is Displayed.	(fixed)
		-At this release file.
		-Changed the calculation of offtime of services.
		-Have changed some in english,german languagefiles.
		-Changed README.txt